Saturday, April 26, 2014

Science work "Blocked"

Christian, and especially Young-earth, scientists have long known that peer review publications or journals such as Nature, Scientific American, etc have a bias that prevents their work from being published.  The reasons for this are that generally these reviewing scientists, but especially the journals' editors, only accept papers that promote naturalism and Darwinism and reject Creationism.

The problem has also spilled into the purely secular arena.  

"Stem cell experts say they believe a small group of scientists is effectively vetoing high quality science from publication in journals.  In some cases they say it might be done to deliberately stifle research that is in competition with their own.  It has also emerged that 14 leading stem cell researchers have written an open letter to journal editors in order to highlight their dissatisfaction."

These kinds of allegations are not new and not confined to stem cell research but the problem is believed to "have become particularly acute in their field of research recently for two reasons."... "Firstly, research grants and career progression are now determined almost entirely by whether a scientist gets published in a major research journal. Secondly, in stem cell science, hundreds of millions of pounds are available for research - and so there is a greater temptation for those that want the money to behave unscrupulously..."The issue here is all about public funding because you have to get these papers published to be able to get your next grant. It could be worth half a million pounds. It can be difficult for people in that position to be objective."

A journal editor decides to publish the research paper usually when the majority of their reviewers are satisfied, but the allegations are that "papers  have been held up for months and months by reviewers asking for experiments that are not fair or relevant."

The solution for both Christian and secular scientists (and for the free advancement of science itself) would be to have truly open forums in which the comments by the reviewers are published and given.  Second, the operational science (the working and specific science) should be separated from the origins science with each side free to propose how this and other research collaborates the origins (Creationism or Naturalism) model.  Third, certifications from these reviewers that neither they themselves nor any of their friends or collegues will benefit from the decision or recommendation made.
Click here to see article entitled Journal stem cell work 'blocked'

The Scientific and Scriptural Impact of Amos' Earthquake
ICR by Steven A. Austin, Ph.D. *

The Bible is often regarded as a book of stories based on a primitive people's understanding of the world around them. As such, many people--and even some Christians--believe that it is not a reliable source of history. But science continues to prove them wrong. Click here to view article.

Archaeologists in Israel say they have uncovered the remains of the first dwelling found in Nazareth believed to date back to the time of Jesus Christ.
Click here to view article.

Article by CMI:  NZ Baptist publication demonstrates grave apostasy

In a demonstration of ‘fair’ journalism, a recent edition of the NZ Baptist ran a ‘debate’ over the issue of the meaning of the book of Genesis.
One article was by a six-day, young-Earth creationist, and the opposing position was represented by four theistic evolutionist Christian scientists who basically all agreed that both Genesis and evolution can be true.  There are several basic, fundamental flaws with any view that proposes a millions or billions of years timeframe for the universe, including a destruction of the very reason Christ came to die for our sins. After all in Mark 10:6 Jesus said that “God made them male and female at the beginning of creation.” A 15 billion year-old universe, with Adam and Eve only being created around 6,000 years ago, does not put them at the “beginning” of creation as logic shows.

Valuable lessons can be learnt by accepting God’s Word first and the secular science second.
Read NZ–CEO Adrian Bates’ report Theistic evolutionists “bewitched”?

Spong is wrong…still!

American Episcopalian Bishop John Shelby Spong is well-known for his complete reinterpretation of just about every Christian doctrine. Yet he is amazingly popular and conducts speaking tours around the world in the very same denomination that his views would ultimately undermine. A brief article on our site shows the tragic, yet, logical fruit of such thinking. Spong writes:
“And Charles Darwin not only made us Christians face the fact that the literal creation story cannot be quite so literal, but he also destroyed the primary myth by which we had told the Jesus story for centuries. That myth suggested that there was a finished creation from which we human beings had fallen into sin, and therefore needed a rescuing divine presence to lift us back to what God had originally created us to be. … And so the story of Jesus who comes to rescue us from the Fall becomes a nonsensical story. So how can we tell the Jesus story with integrity and with power, against the background of a humanity that is not fallen but is simply unfinished?”  It helps to be aware of what is being taught in the high echelons of some denominations so we can readily counter such false teaching.

Read Spong is Wrong and What is Wrong with Bishop Spong?

Thirty Miles of Dirt in a Day
AIG by Dr. Andrew Snelling                August 26, 2008

When God lifted up the dry land on the third day of creation, thirty miles of dirt fell into the sea. The remnants of this event, still visible today, remind us about the power of the One who “sits above the circle of the earth” and “measures the water in the hollow of His hand.”  It may come as a surprise to some, but not all rock layers were laid down during Noah’s Flood. In fact, the evidence indicates that more geologic layers may have been formed during Day Three of Creation Week than during the Flood.

In northern Arizona, the flat-lying sedimentary rock layers of Grand Canyon sit on top of tilted sedimentary and volcanic rock layers, sitting on top of folded and metamorphosed layers of both sedimentary and volcanic rocks (schists) intruded by granites.
Underneath these layers—near the bottom of the canyon—are many other layers that do not contain plant or animal fossils. Violent processes, including volcanoes and rapidly moving mud and sand, must have created these layers. Many tilted sedimentary and volcanic rock layers (about 13,000 feet [4 km] thick) sit on top of other folded and metamorphosed layers of both sedimentary and volcanic rocks (estimated to have been originally about 40,000 feet [12 km], thick).3 After these metamorphic rocks formed, hot granites from deeper in the earth must have intruded into them (Figure 1).
Because the folded and metamorphosed sedimentary layers, and most of the tilted sedimentary layers above them, contain no plant or animal fossils, it is likely these were nearly all deposited catastrophically during the erosion and deposition of Day Three of Creation Week.4
Click here for resource.

What is the relationship between the biblical model and the traditional geological column?

Please see Complete Apologetics section II -3 to see where these articles fit.

Click here to link  to website and see geology articles.

Bodie Hodge, AiG–U.S.  November 18, 2009
Josephus was a first-century Jewish historian with an intriguing history of his own! He served as governor of Galilee, fought against Rome in the first century, and was eventually captured. His surrender ultimately took him to Rome, where his captors became Roman Emperors (Vespasian and his son Titus). He was ordered to write a history of Jewish nation because of all the strife that had been going on in that area.1

But the history to discuss is not Josephus’s life, but something he wrote about. In his book about Jewish history, The Antiquity of the Jews (specifically chapter 6, which is reprinted in the appendix of this article), Josephus gave Christians a brilliant “stepping-stone” to the genealogies in Genesis 10.

Please see Complete Apologetics section II -5 to see where this article fits.

Click here to link  to article.

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