NEW 2nd Edition:
One Small Speck to Man—The Evolution Myth
Few people fully realize that to accept that we are modified apes requires us to accept an even more fantastic series of propositions. Look at a particle of dust on the table in front of you. Is it possible for such a particle, being composed of simple molecules and after existing for a few billion years, to join with other simple particles and to acquire consciousness - to ultimately peer down on another dust particle and to contemplate its origins?
Inherent in the theory of evolution by natural selection is the assumption that not only is evolution possible, but that evolution actually happened. In other words, spontaneously, without the action of any outside influence whatsoever, simple molecules dissolved in water became living cells, some of which became fishes, some of which became amphibians, some of which became reptiles. Some reptiles became birds and mammals. Some mammals became monkeys, some of which became apes, some of which became you and me. However, to question is the foundation stone of all science, and, only by being willing to look at the evidence objectively, and by being willing to challenge established dogma, can we hope to get to the truth of the matter. So, was our great, great...great grandfather an ape? This is the question that this book sets out to answer. This truly outstanding work is the only book of its kind, and provides a unique insight into the living world. And it will make you think. Hardback, 540 full color pages.
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